Blockchain Resources - UPDATED

For those of you who attended the AESP webinar today on blockchain (and those who didn't!), I wanted to provide a list of recommended resources.  These resources are for people looking to learn more about blockchain and applications in the energy space.  Because things are moving so quickly, I recommend trying to find a couple of podcasts or people on twitter to follow regularly.

Here's my not-comprehensive, not-extensive list. I may update this list from time to time to keep it current.


Unchained - Laura Shin, Forbes - The podcast covers all things cryptocurrency-related. Laura interviews a wide variety of guests and asks great questions. Typically, she does a deep dive on a guest's background or a single topic.

Unconfirmed - Laura Shin spun off another, similar podcast but it features shorter episodes and is focused on crypto news from the week.

Analysis in Chains - Neal Kierans and Nathan Williams talk about new projects, companies, and applications in blockchain and crypto.  

The Interchange (& the Energy Gang) - Greentech Media recently started a series called Consensus within the Interchange podcast to focus on energy blockchain topics.  (The Energy Gang is always great for energy news as well - they replay some of the Interchange podcasts too.)

The Third Web (formerly The Ether Review) - The Third Web is focused on finding and interviewing likely contenders for what is going to power the next generation of the internet or the next generation of blockchain technology. 




Stina Brock @blockchainnrg and @stinabrock - me!

Laura Shin @laurashin - reporter/journalist in the crypto space

Jo-Jo Hubbard @jojohubba - cofounder/COO of Electron DLT

Colleen Metelitsa @cmetelitsa - blockchain expert at Greentech Media Research

Meltem Demirors @melt_dem - Director of Development at Digital Currency Group

Joshua Ashley Klayman @josh_blockchain - Blockchain legal expert

Caitlin Long @caitlinlong_ - Former Wall St. / Morgan Stanley exec, launched

Marco Santori @msantoriESQ - Blockchain legal expert

Alex Miller @ethereum_alex - Blockchain developer, Grid+ cofounder

Jesse Morris @ja_morris - Principal with RMI, leading the Energy Web Foundation for energy blockchain

Paul Massara @paulmassara - Board of Electron DLT, former-utility exec

John Lilic @johnlilic - Advisor to several blockchain co's including Grid+

Jon Ferris @fractalgrid - Energy blockchain leader

Jamie Burke @jamie247 - Investor, Outlier Ventures



Electron @electronDLT

Grid+ @gridplus_energy

Power Ledger @powerledger_io

Grid Singularity @gridsingularity

Greentech Media @greentechmedia

Indigo Advisory @indigoadvisory

Energy Web Foundation @energywebx



"Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System"  - The original paper by Satoshi Nakamoto that laid out the concept of bitcoin

"Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies:  A Comprehensive Introduction" - This is a great book that really covers everything you need to know about bitcoin and blockchain at a technical level - required reading as part of the Coursera course below - highly recommended

"Blockchain Revolution" - How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business, and the World" - Book by Don and Alex Tapscott that is a good read and provides a bit of history and lots of interesting anecdotes about what is going on in the space

*NEW* "Comprehensive Guide to Companies Involved in Blockchain & Energy" - This free guide, by Thomas Boersma & Leoncio Montemayor of Solarplaza, provides a very good overview of companies in the #energyblockchain space.  Solarplaza also puts on many good events and conferences.

*NEW* "Blockchain for Energy 2018" - This expensive report by GTM Research might be available to you if your company has a subscription to certain GTM Research publications. Always good work by GTM Research, and especially Colleen Metelitsa for this one in particular.

*NEW* "Blockchain in the Energy Transition. A Survey Among Decision-Makers in the German Energy Industry" - This is one of the first papers I read about the different use cases for blockchain in the energy industry. While this is not a new report (it came out in late 2016), it's still one of the best comprehensive papers on this topic that I've seen, describing the applications and categories in detail.


Other Media

Banking on Bitcoin - Featuring interviews with enthusiasts and experts, this documentary covers Bitcoin's roots, its future and the technology

Coursera:  Bitcoin and Cyrptocurrency Technologies - Great intro course covering the technical details of bitcoin and blockchain

Bits on Blocks - Blog with great, brief overviews of key blockchain and related concepts